Chief Assistant Sonya Spasova, PhD

Project Manager
Assistant Sonya Spasova, PhD, is an Assistant at the Department “Culture, Historical Heritage and Tourism” at the FLCH at ULSIT. Her main and scientific interests are in the field of organization and management of the processes for socialization of cultural heritage in the modern educational system; study and research of innovative practices for interaction of cultural organizations with educational institutions in the application of current methodological and pedagogical approaches for improving the quality of the educational process, as well as the introduction of modern approaches for the realization of educational tourism.
She has participated in various research projects in the field of cultural heritage and education, as well as a number of publications on the topic. The lectures she develops are themed “Educational Concepts for the Socialization of Cultural Heritage”, “Museum Pedagogy”, “Educational Programs for Cultural Institutions”.
Svetoslava Dimitrova

PhD Student at ULSIT
Svetoslava Dimitrova has been enrolled as a PhD student in 2017 at the “Library Management and Archival Studies Department” at the Faculty of Librarianship and Cultural Heritage at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. The topic of her dissertation is “Intellectual Property Aspects of E-Content in University Information Environment”.
Her research interests are in the fields of Intellectual Property and Intellectual Freedom. She has presented papers at various national and international conferences and has participated in a few projects.
Antonii Stanimirov

PhD Student at ULSIT
Antonii Stanimrov has been enrolled as a PhD student in 2018 at the Department “Culture, Historical Heritage and Tourism” at the Faculty of Librarianship and Cultural Heritage (FLCH) at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. The topic of his dissertation is “Bulgarian Military Monuments from 1912 to 1944”. His research interests are mainly in the field of cultural and historical heritage and history. He has presented papers at various scientific conferences and student practices in the field.
Arsini Kolev

PhD Student at ULSIT
Arsini Kolev has been enrolled as a PhD student in 2018 at the Department “Culture, Historical Heritage and Tourism” at the Faculty of Librarianship and Cultural Heritage (FLCH) at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. His research interests are mainly in the field of cultural and historical heritage, Bulgarian Jewish community, culture and education. His main studies and researches focus on the role of the Jewish community in the education and culture of Bulgaria, as well as the socialization of the Jewish cultural heritage. He has participated in various scientific conferences, seminars and student practices in the field of cultural and historical heritage of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Panayot Gindev

Student at ULSIT
Panayot Atanasov Gindev is a Master student and a deputy leader at the “John Atanasov” Computer Laboratory at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. He has lasting interests and specific skills in the field of computer and communication technologies. He has over 20 years of experience as a technical expert, service technician and system administrator in various business and research organizations. Founder and manager of IT Studio Ltd. He completed a course at MicroTik Academy, where he defended his MikroTik Certified Network Associate (MTCNA) certificate, as well as the Software University (SoftUni) that are developing his qualification.
Simona Dusheva

Student at ULSIT
Simona Ivanova Dusheva completed her secondary education in 2017 at 39 SU “Peter Dinekov”, majoring in Information Technologies and English. Since 2017, she has been studying for a Bachelor’s Degree in “Library and Information Management” at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies at the Faculty of Librarianship and Cultural Heritage (FBCH). In the period May-June 2017, participated in the “Student Practices project”. The practice was implemented at the “Georgi Stoykov Rakovski” Military Academy. In 2018, she joins the team of International South-eastern Summer University with Chief Assistant Diana Stoyanova, PhD. She has participated in various research projects in the field of library information sciences.